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Friday, December 6, 2013

Illustration Friday: Patterns

I have been neglectful and not posted for a while. Life and the challenge to get new illustration and design work got in the way. However, I could not pass up on this week's Illustration Friday topic, Patterns. I have created many fun patterns with my humorous heads and tails Animal Parade animals and this is one of my favorites. My cute Husky is all decked out for the holidays in a fun Santa hat and a holly wreath. Woof! Happy holidays!
Festive Heads and Tails Animal Parade Husky Pattern

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Illustration Friday: Hidden

This is a fun topic, and I just so happen to have several hidden pictures that work well for this one. In honor of the end of summer and summertime reading while sitting in a tree, here is my Reading Tree. Can you find all the hidden pictures? Have fun!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Illustration Friday: RESCUE

I've been MIA for a while due to a big illustration project with a short deadline. The good news is, I'm illustrating a fairy tale for an ebook. Yay! More information to come. In the meantime, this week's Illustration Friday topic is perfect. I recently completed an illustration that fits this theme perfectly. This was a sample for a for a Search and Rescue picture book project which got put on hold.
SAR Avalanche Rescue

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Illustration Friday: Urban

NY Boogie Nights
My submission this week for Illustration Friday, NY Boogie Nights, is a fun mixture of techniques and experiments using Painter and Photoshop. How many dancers and musicians can you find?

Dance the night away!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Illustration Friday: SWIM

Just keep swimming!
How many silly things can you find on the left?
Under the Sea by Traci Van Wagoner

To see others talented artist's interpretation of this week's topic visit Illustration Friday.

Monday, March 4, 2013


It takes talent to play the piano on stage.
Check out Illustration Friday's website to see how other artists interpreted this topic.
Piano Concert

Friday, February 8, 2013

Illustration Friday: STORM

This week's topic is appropriate. As I post this, I sit at my computer and look out the window at the flurries of snow which mark the beginning of the huge winter storm that is scheduled to hit New York. Yes, quite appropriate.

Stay warm and safe during this storm everyone. 

To see how other artists interpret this topic, check out Illustration Friday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

HUGE Critique Giveaway and Interview with Joyce Sweeney

Hey! Check this out. Mindy Alyse Weiss is holding a fantastic contest for all you writers out there on her blog. Go there now and follow the rules for entering to win some amazing prizes (critiques galore!) and read an interview with the most generous Joyce Sweeney. This contest is being held to celebrate her new online course (which sounds wonderful). You can find a link for that on Mindy's blog as well. What are you waiting for? Go there now. (And thanks for stopping by here first.)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Last year sure did get away from me. I'm still trying to figure out how we got into 2013, not that I'm not looking forward to a brand new year. This year I want to do more painting and more variety of artwork for fun. So, I've decided to dive in and participate in Illustration Friday where I'll experiment with new styles. This weeks topic: Edge. This was fun to create with my new Photoshop CS6. Wow! What an upgrade from Photoshop CS3. Hope you like!