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Friday, March 9, 2012

I did it! I did it! I finished all 24 illustrations for Candy Canes in Bethlehem before the deadline. I've been painting pretty much non-stop since late November when I got approval on the sketches. Yesterday, I sent the few revisions needed for final approval. Boy, does that feel good. The publishing date is May 2012. I'm not sure of the distribution channels, but it is being published by Pauline Books and Media. I'll post more when I know more. This is a really cute Christmas story that shows how different cultures around the world celebrate. It's been a blast to illustrate.  I love Christmas, and I love painting multicultural kids.

Here's a sneak peak at the cover and what's inside.
Cover Art

Decorating for Christmas

An Australian Christmas


  1. BEAUTIFUL. Pat yourself on the back from me.

  2. Wow, beautiful illustrations. Congratulations on making the deadline!

    1. Thanks inluvwithwords. I appreciate your stopping by.
