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Wednesday, March 26, 2014


After much hemming and hawing and flat out refusal to join the twitter world, I finally took the leap. You can find my twitterpated self here. There are so many possibilities, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. A quick rundown of my experience so far: I have found some very helpful links that have already made my current MG WIP better, the #kidlitart chat on Thursday nights are fun and informative, I'm learning more about agents and editors through their twitter feeds, and there's so much more.

I have found some very helpful resources I thought I'd share for anyone who decides to take this leap as well.
An outstanding guide that has made it all doable for me:
Twitter Guide for Authors and Illustrators by Debbie Ridpath Ohi @inkyelbows.

Build Book Buzz -- Twitter basics for authors. Sandra Beckwith provides some great information on getting started as well as further links to check out.

For children's illustrator, here are some great tips presented by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard from a tweeting Art Director (did I use the right terminology?), Giuseppe Castellano: 10 Great Twitter #ArtTips from Art Director Giuseppe Castellano.

As I am still very new to this and continue to explore the possibilities, I will be adding more information as I find it.

Happy tweeting!

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