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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Embarking on an Adventure

A BIG Adventure with an Eensy, Teensy Teddy Bear

I've started a journey that I'm really excited about. I'm in the process of planning and putting together a Patreon page to focus on a personal project for the rest of this year. After that if you become a patron, you will get to help me decide what to work on and share with you next. Won't that be fun?

The Project

I'm illustrating a story my 86 year old mom told her grandkids many year ago. These were my older sister's kids, Kara. She asked me a while ago if I'd like to do something with some of Mom's stories she had. Um, yeah. She sent them over and here we go....

I will share more soon. In the meantime enjoy this video introducing the project. You can also read more about this adventure on my website.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

It has been a while since I've posted. I have a ton going on which is all good, so I've not been around here much. Today, this is something I have to share!

Every month SCBWI hosts a drawing challenge #SCBWIDrawThis with a prompt word. For May the prompt words was #Alone. I thought long and hard on the concept of alone, trying to visualize what would epitomize this word. This idea struck me the morning the illustration was due. I almost didn't finish it having self-doubt take over about half way through. If you watch my video on YouTube, you'll see I started with a girl that was just not working, but the idea wouldn't let me go. So, I finished it late that night and submitted it with minutes to spare. See the full gallery of participants here.

I present to you: Alone
SCBW DrawThis Alone Winner!

How often did you sit alone as a child on a teeter totter waiting, wishing, hoping someone would join you?